Who We Are

We are the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

We are brought together by heritage, social responsibility and desire to improve the equality of all people
through the use of science and technology. We value excellence in education, professional pursuits and leadership.
​We obtain excellence through integrity, empowerment, achievement, diversity and continuous improvement.

The UW-Madison Chapter

Our UW-Madison SHPE chapter is a diverse and growing group of students that are dedicated to SHPE’s mission.

UW-Madison SHPE has made an impact in the surrounding communities through the formation of the first SHPE Junior chapters in the state and participation in local events.  Also, our chapter has become a powerhouse for leadership talent with our members advancing quickly up the national ranks to represent SHPE across the country. SHPE Madison strives to promote academic excellence and professional experience within our chapter.  We have positions dedicated to improving performance within the college of engineering as well as managing professional outreach so our members have a leg up on the competition when they finish their time at the university.

To know more about SHPE as a whole, you can check out the SHPE websites: https://www.shpe.org/


SHPE empowers the Hispanic community in all aspects of STEM education, academic development, and professional growth to its members.


SHPE’s vision is a world where Hispanics are highly valued and influential as the leading innovators, scientists, mathematicians and engineers.

National History

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) was founded in Los Angeles, California, in 1974 by a group of engineers employed by the city of Los Angeles. Their objective was to form a national organization of professional engineers to serve as role models in the Hispanic community.

The concept of Networking was the key basis for the organization. SHPE quickly established two student chapters to begin the network that would grow to encompass the nation as well as reach countries outside the United States. Today, SHPE enjoys a strong but independent network of professional and student chapters throughout the nation.

Chapter History

The SHPE  chapter at UW-Madison was established in 1991 to serve the Hispanic student body. This group has been a source of strength and support for Hispanic students as they navigate through engineering and science majors and find a second home at the university.

Chapter By-Laws

Here’s out chapter bylaws: SHPE_BYLAWS_2022